
The PANINKRET chem.-pharm. Werk GmbH is an ever-growing family business, which was founded in 1947 in the port city of Hamburg and has been based in the nearby Westerhorn since 1974.

We made it to our mission to process and gently refine natural resources and renewable raw materials of animal and plant origin. Our customers include renowned companies that are represented internationally. We produce the majority of our products for the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food and pet food industries.

Our good cooperation with suppliers and partners and in particular our many years of know-how in the field of hydrolysis and extraction offer optimal conditions for the development of novel products and their establishment in a competitive Environment. We are also at your disposal as a competent service provider and accompany you in the development of your products. Thanks to our in-house laboratory and our individually assembled project teams,

we have the opportunity to respond specifically to the wishes and product requirements of our customers and to realize them later in our production process. The close cooperation with customers and partners also helps to incorporate innovative ideas into unique products.

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